A time when I felt close to my paternal grandparents
by Ankita
Let me take you all back to history.
As I already shared before, I have five siblings. Me and my twin sister were born in 1985 on the 17th day of July. July is famous for its rain. I love rains.
After our birth, my mom and dad had total four girls to look after, my twin sister had some complications after birth, which needed lots of care. Whoever come to visit us, they involved themselves in taking care of we all. Both sets of my grandparents were a big support system for my parents. But more of my mom’s attention was required for my twin sister, and it was tough for her to manage so many things together. So around after 9 months of our birth, our grownups decided something which could help the whole house hold.
My paternal grandparents decide to keep me with them in my ancestral home for sometime, so that my mom and dad can better manage their life with other twins and two other older kids, who needed lots of care.
I still have a picture at my home in India in which me and twin are celebrating 9 months birthday together because we were getting separated for sometime. So that birthday was actually special like our first birthday.
I wish I could recall those memories, but ALAS! Its impossible. Little 9 months old baby went to live with her Grand mom and Grandpa to whom I call with love "Mai “and “Babu“ respectively. And that was the moment when love started breeding in my heart and soul for them. I came back to my parents soon, but somewhere I was very attached to Mai and Babu. They were my favourites. I still remember our relatives used to tease us by saying I belong to my paternal grandparent and my twin belongs to my maternal grandparents, whom we call Nana and Nani. We were lucky to have such wonderful grandparents.
I had a special connection with my mai and babu. All my summer vacations till high school, I spent with my mai and babu. I miss touching my mai’s soft tummy. I used to dress her up a lot. I loved to clean their ears with ear bud and some time with matchstick or hair pins for which they used to shout on me. ☹ I love to live with them in the village in hot weather. I never used to get bored because I was surrounded by their love. I loved to go to farms with my babu, who was very educated and a retired teacher. I still remember how their kind and magic words made me feel so loved. I miss them, I miss them a lot.
I will never forget the day when my babu took his last breath on my lap; that happened too in July. I miss saying goodbye to my mai because I was in the USA. I love them and I miss them.
Grandparents are special. They make grandkids feel more special. They relive their life with grandchildren by fulfilling their wishes. By loving everything they do. By pampering them as much as possible. The bond between grandchildren and grandparents is one that is so strong. They hold each other’s hearts forever.
I see that every day in my home,
I see that smiling faces on both sides when my kids FaceTime with their grandparents.
I see those shiny eyes which sparkle with the happiness of being together, it’s ok if it’s virtual too.
I listen to those proud words which grandparents shower on their grandkids every day.
I recognize those beautiful bonds which strengthen everyday.
I answer those curious minds when grandparents are not able to come FaceTime.
I respect this relation. It’s beautiful, it’s forever, it’s pure.
In loving memory of my grandparents, when I miss them, I close my eyes and I feel them.
Love always and forever…Chinkiya (my nick name from them)
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